Ifjhbjfiazaa.top: Flagged as Suspicious – Analysis, Reviews, and Complaints

Ifjhbjfiazaa.top reviews. Is legit or a scam, can you trust Ifjhbjfiazaa.top? Date of last check: 2024-04-29

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Current Status of Ifjhbjfiazaa.top in Our Database: Low trust site

Our automated system has detected suspicious signs on the website Ifjhbjfiazaa.top, indicating potential untrustworthiness. Although these signs do not confirm malicious intent with 100% certainty, we strongly recommend exercising caution and thoroughly checking the site before interacting with it. The warning is based on an analysis of the website's behavior, content, and history. Stay vigilant to ensure online safety.

Review of website:

In our opinion, ifjhbjfiazaa.top - Low trust site, possibly a scam. We advise avoid that website. A site with a low level of trust on which you should not enter personal information or make purchases.

Nothing to like

Elements of design like at previously detected suspicious website

The website looks like a previously detected suspicious website

The website HTML title matches with a previously detected suspicious website

We had not found links to social networks on the page

At the moment of detection, the website was created in less than 10 days ago

The web server is located in a high-risk suspicious country

On the web server detected many suspicious websites

The website is not visited by many users

Protect Yourself and Your Family from dangerous websites

Install «Paranoid Web Extension» on IOS and it will block dangerous websites in the Safari Browser.

Users reactions to Ifjhbjfiazaa.top

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Low quality service

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Summary analysis Ifjhbjfiazaa.top

HTML page Analysis

In the course of our comprehensive analysis of the online landscape, we have discovered that the favicon (website icon) used on Ifjhbjfiazaa.top has previously been encountered on other web resources identified as dangerous. This may indicate potential risks to users of Ifjhbjfiazaa.top. Our detection systems vigilantly track such matches, as identical or very similar favicons can suggest a connection to websites containing malicious content, phishing pages, or other security threats related to example.com. We strongly recommend exercising caution when interacting with Ifjhbjfiazaa.top and being alert to any suspicious signals during its use.

Our comprehensive security analysis has revealed a concerning similarity between the page design of Ifjhbjfiazaa.top and that of several websites previously identified as dangerous. This observation is significant as it suggests Ifjhbjfiazaa.top may share design elements commonly associated with high-risk or malicious websites. Similarities in page design can often be an indicator of potential threats, including deceptive or harmful online practices. We recommend users to approach Ifjhbjfiazaa.top with caution and to be especially alert for any unusual or suspicious aspects in its design that might indicate security risks.

We have conducted a thorough examination of the webpage title on Ifjhbjfiazaa.top and compared it with titles from previously identified scam websites. During this process, we found notable similarities. This discovery is concerning as it suggests that Ifjhbjfiazaa.top might share characteristics with known fraudulent sites. Such similarities in webpage titles are often indicative of potential risks, including deceptive practices commonly associated with online scams. We urge users to exercise caution and remain vigilant when interacting with Ifjhbjfiazaa.top, as these similarities could signal underlying security threats.

Ifjhbjfiazaa.top technical analysis

As of our latest detection, Ifjhbjfiazaa.top was found to be a newly created website, established less than 10 days ago. This is a significant red flag in our security assessment. It is a common pattern observed with most scam websites; they are often created and put into immediate use for fraudulent activities. Such a brief period between the website's creation and its activation raises concerns about its legitimacy. This is because scam operators typically set up new sites quickly to start their deceptive practices before they are detected and shut down. We advise users to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough verification before interacting with Ifjhbjfiazaa.top, as its recent establishment may indicate potential risks.

The site is located in a country where scammers often keep their servers and thus avoid quickly blocking their sites.

The site has one or more scam website neighbors. This happens if the site is created on free hosting, or they use services like (Cloudflare), or the owner of this site massively creates scam sites.

Social analysis

We had not found links to social networks on the page Ifjhbjfiazaa.top. Social networks are an excellent way to connect with your customers, which is why all big web stores have links to their social profiles. That is why web stores without social profiles are suspicious.

Ifjhbjfiazaa.top is not visited by many users. For some, particular case, it is normal. For online shop is an important flag to make decision about interaction with this website.

Beware using a little-known website that download or distribute software

Little-known websites may not have a reputation for safe and secure downloads, which means that the software available for download on these sites may be untested or unreliable. There is also a higher risk that the software may contain hidden malware, adware, or spyware. These types of software can be difficult to detect and can cause serious harm to your computer and your personal data.

Additionally, little-known websites may not have a robust security infrastructure in place, which makes it easier for hackers to gain access to your computer or steal your personal information. This is especially true if the website requires you to create an account or provide personal information to download the software.

To reduce the risk of downloading malicious software, it's important to only download software from reputable websites that have a good reputation for safe and secure downloads. It's also important to keep your computer's security software up-to-date and to regularly scan your computer for viruses and malware. Finally, be cautious of websites that require you to create an account or provide personal information, and only provide this information if you are sure that the website is legitimate and trustworthy.

Website info

Detection url



Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works

Domain registration e-mail


Domain age

Current: 75 days

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Whois renew date


Whois registration date


Domain registration country

Server IP info




Name of organization

Prospero Ooo

Last checks website legit

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Dangerous Website
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Old Website
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Little known website
Suspicious Website
Suspicious Website
Little known website
Suspicious Website
Dangerous Website
Suspicious Website
Suspicious Website
Suspicious Website
Little known website
Suspicious Website
Suspicious Website
Little known website
Suspicious Website